"Technical Aspects of Boundary Delineation and Delimitation, Including UNCLOS Articale 76 Issues", Monaco, at the International Hydrographic Bureau, Principality of Monaco, 9-10 September 1999.
Specialists in international maritime law, geodesy, hydrography, and geoscience addressed the legal problems, the technical issues, and the difficulties that affect the determination of Maritime Boundaries, including the outer limit of the Juridical Continental Shelf.
Conference photograph
Total proceedings, except for the following
papers: - Session 1, paper 1 - Session 1, paper 5 - Session 1, paper 6 - Session 2, paper 1 |
1999 ABLOS Conference proceedings (PDF) (3.4MB) |
Galo Carrera | "Wide Continental Margins of the World: A Survey of Marine Scientific Requirements Posed by the Implementation of Article 76 of the U.N. Convention of the Law of the Seas" (PDF) (2.4MB) |
Alexandre Albuquerque & Galo Carrera | "Information on the Limits of the Continental Shelf Beyond 200 Nautical Miles" (PDF) |
Galo Carrera | "The Impact of the Seabed Roughness on the Location
of the 2,500m Isobath and the Foot of the Continental Shelf" (PDF): Part A (960KB) Part B (1.9MB) Part C (1.5MB) Part D (1.3MB) |